Megan Merz

Based in: California, USA

Megan works for the State of California (USA), cooperating with the unemployment insurance agency. She has a Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice, Psychology, and Anthropology and a Master’s degree in Criminal Justice. Still, she is always open to knowledge, now pursuing taking even more classes in her spare time. Her hobbies include but are not limited to travelling, writing, reading books, hiking, learning new skills and languages, and hanging out with her cat. New to the Polish diaspora, she is jumping headfirst in connecting with her family’s Polish heritage, which currently includes learning Polish! Polish Tech Day is then also an opportunity for her to enjoy contact with the Polish community on a new exciting level while performing as Event Support, helping with registration, participants communication and online event support, to name a few!



Karolina Lewandowska


Vanessa Trawicky