Kasia Lechka


Kasia is a startupper and innovation consultant. In her career, she created Gester – a GreenTech startup helping construction companies recycle excavated soil. New startup (ad)ventures are on the way! As a Product Manager, she worked with startups in social issues, education, transportation, and finance. While at the World Bank HQ, she helped introduce ITC tools for urban development projects in Africa. Currently, she teaches and coaches on project management and company culture and facilitates business and pitching workshops for startups and students.

Kasia’s been with us since 2018 when she organised the first meetups for the Polish community in Paris. Today, as the CEO, she provides the organisation’s strategy and is responsible for recruiting, nurturing the team, company culture, and organisation. She also represents us at partner events and facilitates sessions.

Kasia loves travelling and exploring nature and ancient cultures. Her trips so far involve two volcanos, two canyons, several hiking ranges in Europe and the Americas, and visits to Machu Picchu, Pompei and Chichen Itza.



Nikita Rasiuk